100% Job Guaranteed Courses For Any Degree / Diploma
Special Projects Oriented Training for Year Gap Students

Angular is a powerful and widely-used JavaScript framework for building dynamic, responsive, and modern web applications. Developed and maintained by Google, Angular simplifies both the development and testing process, allowing developers to create highly interactive applications with clean, maintainable code.
This course is designed to take you from the basics of Angular to advanced topics, providing a solid foundation for anyone looking to build web applications. Whether you’re new to web development or looking to expand your skills, this course covers everything you need to start building scalable, feature-rich applications using Angular.
By the end of this course, you will have hands-on experience with Angular components, services, directives, routing, forms, HTTP client integration, and much more, enabling you to build complex, data-driven applications with ease.
Module 1:Â Getting Started
- Full Training on TypeScript
- What is Angular
- Angular vs Angular 2 vs Angular 8
- Editing the First App
- How to understand most out of this course
- IDE setup (VScode)
- Installing useful plugins for angular
- Understand the editor
Module 2:Â The Basics
- How the Angular App Loads
- What is component?
- The root component (App Component)
- Create the component
- Understand the Module and Decorators
- What is Angular CLI (command line interface)
- Create a component using CLI
- Styling a component
Module 3:Â Data Handling
- What is Databinding
- String Interpolation
- Property binding
- Property binding vs String Interpolation
- Event binding
- Data passing in event binding
- Two-way binding
- Demo App with this level
Module 4 :Â Understanding Directives
- What is Directives
- ngIf – output data conditionally
- enhance ngif with else condition
- ngStyle – styling element dynamically
- ngClass – styling class dynamically
- ngFor – loop to build List
- getting index with ng For Assignment and
- Demo App
Module 5:Â Understand Debugging
- Important topic for any developer: debugging
- How to debug angular app
- Use debugger to debug
- How to use console
- How to use browser sourcemap to debug
- Use Augury to dive into Angular app structure
- An app with errors to solve
Angular Course Training Options
Module 6 :Â Component and Data Binding more advance
- Start demo app to understand practically
- Split app into components
- Property & event binding
- Custom property (@Input decorator)
- Custom event (@output decorator)
- Local references, template variables
- Access Template and DOM with (@ViewChild decorator)
- Project content into component using ng-content
- Access project content with (@ContentChild decorator)
- Understanding component lifecycle
Module 7 :Â Advancement with Directives
- Recap ngFor, ngIf, ngClass, ngStyle
- Custom directive, create your own directives
- @HostListner decorator to listen host events
- @HostBinding decorator to bind host properties
- Binding to directive properties
Module 8:Â Services and dependency injection
- Why services?
- Creating service with/without CLI
- Injecting logging services into component
- Data service
- Practicing of services
Module 9:Â Routing & Navigations in Angular
- Demo app to start routing practice
- Setting up Routes
- Using of RouterLink instead of href
- Understanding of navigation paths
Navigate programmatically - How to use Relative paths
- Passing parameters to Routes and fetching
- Passing Query String to Route and fetching
- Introduction to Route Guard
- How to secure route using Guard canActivate method
- Introduction to Angular Forms
- Template driven forms
- Use of ngModel
- Adding validation & specific validation errors
- Reactive forms
- Handling input fields with these forms
- Validating forms with ngModel & ngGroup
- Output error messages
Module 11 :Â Rxjs – Observables
- What is observables
- Building custom observables
- Error & completion method of Observables
- Understanding of RXJS Operators
- Subscribe and unsubscribe an observables
- Understanding Memory leaks with observables
Module 12 :Â Error Handling
- Handling Errors
- Handling unexpected errors
- Handling expected errors
- Throwing application specific errors
 Module 13 : Pipes in Angular
- Intro to Pipes and why is important
- Using pipes
- Creating custom pipes
- Example of creating filter pipe
- Understanding of async pipe
Module 14 :Â Consuming HTTP Service
- Understand HTTP client module
- What is JSON
- Getting data
- Creating data
- Updating data
- Deleting data
Module 15 :Â CRUD Project
- Merge all the topics into a single project
- Enjoy Angular with practical experience
- Build a real time CRUD (Single Page Application) in Angular
Module 16 :Â Deployment
- Angular compiler in action
- Code setup Production environment
- Build your final app
- Setup with Base url to run on server