100% Job Guaranteed Courses For Any Degree / Diploma
Special Projects Oriented Training for Year Gap Students

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, the demand for automation testing has skyrocketed. Selenium, as an open-source automation testing tool, has emerged as a key skill for QA professionals and developers aiming to excel in their careers. Whether you’re a beginner in testing or an experienced IT professional looking to enhance your skills, a Selenium course in Bangalore provides comprehensive training to help you master web application testing.
Bangalore, known as the Silicon Valley of India, hosts some of the best software training institutes offering Selenium courses with up-to-date syllabuses tailored to industry needs. These courses cover Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, frameworks, and hands-on exercises that prepare you to tackle real-world automation challenges.
The Selenium course syllabus in Bangalore typically starts with an introduction to automation testing, followed by Java essentials (for those new to programming), and delves into various Selenium tools, including WebDriver, IDE, and Grid. You’ll also gain expertise in advanced frameworks like Hybrid, Data-Driven, and Page Object Model (POM), which are widely used in industry. This structured approach ensures you build the practical skills needed to succeed as an automation tester.
Module 1: Basics of Manual TestingÂ
- Introduction
- Types of Testing
- Development life cycle
- Testing life cycle
- Bug life cycle
- Different development models
- Water fall
- Agile
Module 2 : Agile MethodologyÂ
- Agile philosophy
- Agile Menifesto
- Agile Unbrella
- Scrum
- Things to do in Scrum
- Scrum Nutshell
- Reason Why Automation is necessary in Agile
Module 3: Java IntroductionÂ
- Introduction
- Java programming Keywords
Module 4: Control FlowsÂ
- If-Else
- Switch
- For loop
- Do while
Module 5: Selenium (Web Driver )- Java TrainingÂ
- Classes & Objects
- 2.5 Oops concepts
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Method overloading & Method overriding
Module 6: Exception Handling
- Checked/Unchecked Exception
- Errors
- Try-catch block
- Finally block
- Thow/Throws Keywords
Module 7: Interface
- Difference between class & Interfaces
- Multiple Inheritance concept
- Full Abstraction Concepts
Module 8: Collection Framework Classes
- ArrayList
- HashMap
- TreeSet
Module 9:Â Exercise and Assignment
- Daily assignment
- Test
- Introduction
- Why selenium
- Selenium Vs Other automation tool (QTP)
- Selenium Core
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium
- Webdriver (2.0)
- Selenium Grid
Module 11:Â Selenium (Webdriver – Java(Training)
- B.Firefox
- C.Chrome
- Using locators (Id, Class, Name, xpath, css etc)
- Choosing locating Strategies
- Handling Security popups / Alerts /
- Dialog boxes
- Error Handling
- Drag and Drop
- Working with various Web
- Elements
- Buttons
- Input boxes
- List
- Links
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Comboboxes /dropdowns
Module 12: Advanced Selenium Webdriver
- Complex xpath construction(relative xpath, xpath for tables)
- Attachment using native window
- Handling iFrame/Frame File
- Upload/Download Screenshots
- UI Mapping/Object Map
- Data Handling
- Parameterization
- Waits in Selenium Implicit wait Explicit wait.
- Automating Web
- Table and creating generic library.
- Action Class of Selenium
Module 13: Automation FrameworkÂ
- What is Automation Framework?
- Selenium Integration with build tool. (MAVEN)
- Data Driven
- Framework
- Keyword Driven
- Framework
- Hybrid Framework
- Page Object Model
- Reading the data from external files (Excel)
- Executing test in parallel using Selenium and TestNG
- Advanced Automation Framework Understanding
- Database testing using selenium
Module 14 : Project WorkÂ
- Real-time Project Implementation
- Case Studies and Practical Scenarios
- Hands-on Exercises and Assignments
By the end of this Selenium course, you will have gained hands-on experience in automating web applications, mastering both basic and advanced testing techniques. You will be well-prepared to write, execute, and manage automated tests effectively, using Selenium WebDriver in real-world projects. This course aims to empower you with the skills needed to enhance software quality and streamline testing processes, making you a valuable asset to any software development team. With the growing demand for automation, your proficiency in Selenium will open up numerous opportunities in the field of software testing and quality assurance.